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Pat Welch 

Pat lives in Wodonga and is a volunteer at Gateway Gallery. She describes herself as a Realist Watercolour Artist, painting primarily landscapes and botanicals. Her first exhibition at Gateway Gallery was in October 2015. The success of that inspired her to have a second showing – Look and See – in 2019.


Pat’s preferred medium is watercolour. With watercolours, Pat feels that there is a freshness and a spontaneity which can make the painting look alive. She is fascinated with trying to capture the light in the painting and the shadows cast by the light.


Pat paints what makes her feel happy. She has always had a connection with the bush and loves to paint creeks and rivers and trees.

Her landscapes evoke a peace and serenity, in the reflections of the calm cool waters or in the shadows of a spreading River Red Gum.


Pat also has a passion for Botanical Art and loves to paint the plants that grow in her garden. With watercolours, she can find the rich pure pigments and the transparency of the petals and the leaves. The precision of the detail is important to be true to the plant. Pat’s artworks evoke a sense of peace and tranquillity. Enjoy.


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