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  • Writer's pictureGIGS Art Gallery

Paul's Retrospective


5–30 September, 2023

OPENING EVENT: Saturday, 9 September, 5–7pm

All profits from artwork sales will be donated to local charity Country Hope Country Hope provides emotional and financial support to country families who have a child diagnosed with cancer or other life-threatening illnesses.

My creative story…

I enjoy making things. sewing, knitting, hats but especially painting and drawing. I use a variety of media including acrylics, oil paint, oil pastels and watercolour.

Making pictures using colour, tone and line, stretching my imagination to find a personal interpretation of images from nature, in 2D. I enjoy the ‘doing’ and communication of ideas with the viewer.

Lately I have painted around the Porepunkah and Bright area and around our own Murray River and Causeway precinct. This autumn I also spent a week en plein air at Halls Gap in the Grampians.

This exhibition shows work I have done in the past 30 years. I used to exhibit a lot in solo and group shows, Rotary art shows and similar.

Plein air painting is a great enjoyment both locally in Australia and especially on my visits to the north of Italy, the UK and France, from 2010–2019, Venice being a dream to paint.

The idea came to me to have this all-out exhibition when I heard about COUNTRY HOPE and the wonderful work they do for sick children and their families.

It is daunting but if by putting myself out there and showing my work can help this cause, then it will have been worth it.

I ask you please, those that can, to support this exhibition. All money from sales – less gallery costs – is going to COUNTRY HOPE.

Thank you

Paul Farries

I would like to THANK local printers KwikKopy Albury for their excellent customer service with printing my exhibition promotional fliers.

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