Adina Bellina
I love giving my talent and love of colour to others via my creations, to bring joy and interest into their lives.
I like to show people that there are many ways to interpret what they are looking at or thinking.
Who or what are your main creative influences, and why?
My most creative influence is colour. I love it and cannot get enough of it. Whatever I choose to create, colour and its vibrancy is always at the forefront of my mind.
Listening to music also influences my art work as it intensifies or mellows the use of colour and form.
Tying the two creative arts together is most satisfying for me.
What has been your most rewarding/fulfilling experience so far as an artist?
I would have to say my most rewarding experience I have had an artist would be when I painted a dog portrait for a friend. She had no idea I was working on it and I had no idea she was going through a very challenging personal and difficult trial at the time. When she received the portrait, she burst into tears with overwhelming gratitude and happiness.
It was at that point, I realised that using my talent could touch the very heart of a person and move them in a very special way. It was a turning point for me.
What do you find most challenging about being an artist?
For me I find the most challenging thing about being an artist is developing patience and discipline. Patience for the appropriate time and space to express all the paintings, prints and other creations inside me and discipline to execute them with excellence and professionalism.
What are you currently working on? Do you have an upcoming exhibition?
At the moment I am working on a number of projects; monoprints, collages and paintings. The monoprint series are a fun and colourful presentation of funky abstract pictures, I was inspired by jazz music and have named the series Jumping Jazz.
I am looking forward to having an exhibition of my paintings in the near future.